(619) 550-3570

Is hospice care right for you?

You or your loved one may be eligible for hospice care if you answer “yes” to four or more of the statements below. However, your primary physician and our Medical Director will make the final decision regarding eligibility.

Informal Eligibility Criteria:

  • I have started feeling more tired and weak
  • I experience shortness of breath, even when resting
  • I spend most of the day in bed or in a chair
  • I have noticed an increased weight loss in the past six months
  • I make frequent phone calls to my physician
  • I take medications to lessen physical pain
  • I have fallen several times in the past six months
  • I have made frequent trips to the emergency room in the past six months
  • I need help from others with important daily activities (bathing, dressing, eating, cooking, walking, getting out of bed)
  • My doctor has told me my life expectancy is limited

If you have answered “yes” to four or more items on the questionnaire, you may want to begin your research into hospice care by seeking the opinion and advice of your primary physician. If you do not have a primary physician, we will be happy to refer you to our Medical Director, who is a Doctor of Internal Medicine.

Admission Criteria
Patients who have been diagnosed with life-limiting illnesses and have a prognosis of six months or less are candidates for hospice care.

  • Patient is diagnosed with a life-limiting illness
  • Patient’s prognosis is six months or less – if the disease takes its natural course – as confirmed by an attending physician
  • Patient is primarily interested in a palliative plan of care
  • Patient and family desire Radiant Hospice services

Referral Information

Patients are typically referred to Radiant Hospice by their primary care physician. However, the process can be initiated by other health care professionals, family members, friends, clergy, assisted living facilities or by the patients themselves. Please contact us for an evaluation.

We want to make your life easier.

Making important health care decisions is part of the hospice journey and we’re here to support you….  Learn more >

Is hospice care right for you?

You or your loved one may be eligible for hospice care if you answer “yes” to four or more of the statements below. However, your primary physician and our Medical Director will make the final decision regarding eligibility.

Informal Eligibility Criteria:

  • I have started feeling more tired and weak
  • I experience shortness of breath, even when resting
  • I spend most of the day in bed or in a chair
  • I have noticed an increased weight loss in the past six months
  • I make frequent phone calls to my physician
  • I take medications to lessen physical pain
  • I have fallen several times in the past six months
  • I have made frequent trips to the emergency room in the past six months
  • I need help from others with important daily activities (bathing, dressing, eating, cooking, walking, getting out of bed)
  • My doctor has told me my life expectancy is limited

If you have answered “yes” to four or more items on the questionnaire, you may want to begin your research into hospice care by seeking the opinion and advice of your primary physician. If you do not have a primary physician, we will be happy to refer you to our Medical Director, who is a Doctor of Internal Medicine.

Admission Criteria
Patients who have been diagnosed with life-limiting illnesses and have a prognosis of six months or less are candidates for hospice care.

  • Patient is diagnosed with a life-limiting illness
  • Patient’s prognosis is six months or less – if the disease takes its natural course – as confirmed by an attending physician
  • Patient is primarily interested in a palliative plan of care
  • Patient and family desire Radiant Hospice services

Referral Information

Patients are typically referred to Radiant Hospice by their primary care physician. However, the process can be initiated by other health care professionals, family members, friends, clergy, assisted living facilities or by the patients themselves. Please contact us for an evaluation.

We want to make your life easier.

Making important health care decisions is part of the hospice journey and we’re here to support you….  Learn more >